Wednesday 18 February 2015

wow where to start... I am only new to this blogging thing so please be patient with me...

My name is Merryn and this is our story. The idea for our delightful little group began after seeing a picture shared on a facebook crochet page. From there the idea to re-create what we had seen exploded into a flurry of "lets do this"!!

 This is our first project we are attempting to re-create.

And so the adventure began........

I started a facebook page to see if there was any real interest in having a go at making this vision a reality. I had a massive response and within days had over 60 apply to join the group. We now have over 140 in the group. Some are active members and some are just there to follow our journey.  I then had a lovely lady Nikki come on board and join me as admin of the page. This is a link to our facebook page if you want to have a look  Crochet Granny Square Art for Charity 

My thoughts on what to do with the finished project was to donate it it or sell it and donate the proceeds to charity. The charity we choose for the first project was the Red Cross. This charity was choosen as we are a worldwide group and we wanted a charity that was known worldwide. Each project we complete will go to a different charity.

I first contacted the designer of the picture and the inspiration for us, Guy Whitby from , to seek permission to re-create his pictures as some were concerned with breeching copyright. Guy was more than helpful and happy for us to do so. He was just so happy that someone was bringing his visions to life!! You see what Guy has created are actually digital images using many images of different crochet granny squares. What he has created is amazing!!

Ok let's move on with our story....

I  picked a photo to re-create but it was decided that it was a little ambitious for our first group effort so Nikki found a picture that was a liitle easier. Nikki then broke the picture down into blocks and each member choose blocks to complete. Each block contains 9 crocheted squares. The catch was to keep the size of the completed piece down was that each square was to be kept at 7cm in size. The completed blocks were then sent to me and I joined them together to create a crocheted artwork measuring 2.1mt sq in size. Big enough for a queen/king size bed!! A major project that looks incredibly amazing so very happy and excited. We are nearly finished and once we have then can go about the business of selling it so we can donate the proceeds to our choosen charity.

To finish up I have included some progress phtots. The details that some have achieved in a tiny 7cm square is amazing...

 Please excuse my ugly head but here I am (with my sister hiding and helping) holding up our work of art.

What has been done so far is incredible

So keep your eyes glued for further updates of our progress..

Happy Hooking everyone :)